Kaleidoscopic Comfort 3

White and silver sheer textile diffusing layer
RGB LED pixels, individually addressable
Custom control hardware and software
48" diameter x 6" thick
This is one of three parts of the Kaleidoscopic Comfort installation created for Mirror Mirror, the 2025 temporary art exhibition at the San Diego International Airport. The mixed-media wall-mounted art is illuminated by an internal layer of RGB LEDs arranged in a geometric pattern. The light is diffused by an assemblage of fabric shapes that are sewn together and aligned over the front of the LEDs. This piece uses a variety of white, silver, and sheer mesh textiles with some reflective holographic and silver sequin accents.
The lights filling the circle are arranged with six-way symmetry, and are animated with repeating color sequences that produce a variety of hypnotic patterns and optical illusions. The piece is designed to run continuously, cycling through a list of 13 modes. The mode changes every 35 seconds, with a two second cross fade between modes. The LED layout and programming is the same in Kaleidoscopic Comfort 2, but the fabric overlays are different.
The installation is interactive, and will respond to nearby ambient sounds with changes in the programmed lighting effects. The built-in LED controller can detect varying levels of sound in seven different frequency bands, and these values are used to trigger various changes in brightness, color, motion, or other parameters within the programmed instructions. Some modes are more strongly influenced by a bass beat, some respond more to treble, and others exhibit a complex mix of effects across the audio spectrum.
To help demonstrate the sound-reactive behavior, this installation is being presented with custom music created by Spivey & Copperfield.
The video below demonstrates a sequence of patterns, playing along with the musical accompianment for the installation.