Sit 'n Stare 2.0 Mega

RGB LED panel with grid of 32x96 pixels
Custom control hardware and software
Wood frame with black diffusing layer and plexiglas faceplate
40" tall x 16" wide x 1.25" thick
This framed electronic light panel is designed for sitting and staring. It can be used as a visual meditation aid, as decorative mood lighting, or as a part of a music-listening experience.
The RGB LED pixels are animated in a variety of hypnotic geometric patterns, many of which are also sound-reactive. The animation mode can be selected with a manual switch on the back of the frame, or with the Enlighted iOS app, which also allows customization of the colors.
This piece is part of a series - please follow these links for information about the other sizes of Sit 'n Stare 2.0 and the original Sit 'n Stare.